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Poetry Films

What I Do

Who I Am

There’s never a pause on the journey to deeper self awareness and deeper love, at least not for Gabrielle McPherson. Every aspect of who he wants to be is rooted in sharing his life experiences in the most thought provoking ways. Whether it’s through the social media engagement of the G.E.M. Stone brand or his own personal views behind a camera, Gabe is always looking to engage a conversation with his work. When he’s not creating, he is searching for inspiration in music that he hears in convenience stores and rewatching his favorite films like The Fifth Element. 
With his eyes towards the stars and his heart behind his talent, the extroverted introvert believes that he is alive to improve the human condition and leave the world better than he found it. Greatness is the name of his game and he intends to reach every pinnacle it offers. 

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